Monday, October 09, 2006

The art of Peace

Sun Tzu had once written this famous book often quoted and more often than not misquoted. Hence it now seems very trendy to quote it to show how much have you read and such pretentious bullshit. It has reached into mass status thanks to the biggest cult maker of all time. 007.

If you remember the last bond movie...about what is not enough ...commercilaism in it, according to me, but the World according to the producers. But then what... what was once class is now mASS.

So what are the teachings we get from this commercialism of what was once the preserve of the few ?

One, French Revolution was the start of what was seen as the rebirth of humanity , but I am strongly of the opinion that it was the first nail in the coffin of humanity. The philospohers preached the reawakening of the soul. The transcription to the leadership was the reaweking of the masses. This percolated to the masses as the call to wake up and break down whatever was in thier sight.

All through history, the state has been bets managed by keeping it in the hands of capable men who are powerful enough to diminsh mediocrity. Absloute power corrupts absolute showing them the absolute ineptitude of the rest to manage.

Dictators were never the ones to be admired.... why ??? Human folly is the cause... just beacause you are inadquate does not imply the fact that othjers cant be fit....

Let us look back at Sun Tzu ...he difines moral law as the obligation to follow leadership...that is the golden truth... If you can't be a leader don't criticize , don't use your weight or the mass to rule...

Democracy or demonocracy as it is called is the worst enemy of mankind.. the rule of state is best left to those who can do it... Plato perhaps was the only one to my mind who suggested a systematic way of selection and organization. But what he quoted in classical Greece is as unapplicable then as it is today... with the systemization of the process again you revert to the mass kind of approach...losing the argument in its own strength and paradoxisms.

So what is the solution... something which has been wel documented in history ,
biology...survival of the fittest.."MATSANYA"- Fish eat Fish and be eaten by bigger fish. Finally the Sharks rule and minnows stay as they are , as they are supposed to be hunted and food for the rulers... strength is an outcome of natural causes not the reason of them...capabilities should rule... and the mass should stay where it is ... in the grass.

This is the soultion to world peace also... you have the strong rule and the weak will not be able to stand up... you control with an iron fist and even the strongest weeapons in the world can never destroy the calmity...because you control them...calamity is yours...war and peace is yours and mine..war is mine...peace is yours.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Follow the White Rabbit

" One pill makes you larger,
And one pill makes you small,
And the ones that mother gives you,
Don’t do anything at all.
Go ask Alice,
When she’s ten feet tall.
And if you go chasing rabbits,
And you know you’re going to fall,
Tell’em a hookah smoking caterpillar,
Has given you the call.
Call Alice,
When she was just as small.
When the men on the chessboard,
Get up and tell you where to go,
And you’ve just had some kind of mushroom,
And your mind is moving low.
Go ask Alice,
I think she’ll know.
When logic and proportion,
Have fallen softly dead,
And the White Knight is talking backwards,
And the Red Queen’s “off with her head!”
Remember what the Dormouse said.
Feed your head, Feed your head!"
Lewis Carrol as he was called was an amazing man, A priest, a mathmetician, an artist. A story goes that Queen Victoria was so impressed with his work that she asked him for his next book which she got called "A treatise on determinants".
How true this is I doubt it but there are a significant ammount of important muses which little ALice Lidel has provided. Whether Dogdeson was paedophilic or not is a meesy issue which we would rather not discussion, because a discussion based on half truths and incomplete deductions is not worth it.
When can we make a logical conclusion: there are essentially two main methods to this
Inductive Reasoning: U use a specific event to make inferences about generalities. For eg This glass with ice is cold. .... hence all ice is cold
I am mad ... everyone in my family is mad
Deductive Reasoning : U use a generality to create logical constructs about specifics.
All great people are mad ..... hence I am mad
The logical systems disucussed above can be said to be robust inspite of mine trying to play havoc with them with a sense of twisted perversion of deconstructing something for the sake of creative destruction. We generally would feel that the systems discussd above will ahve no utility as we can't seem to match it with our rationality. This is because of the fact that the rationality we so trust is bulit on faulty presumptions.
Instead of trying to argue about systems and beliefs in an objective manner we tend to use our experiences whatever be their validity to create our credo for making decisions. This is basically aslo the problem with inductive resaoning. An inductive reason is valid only when the premise underlying the statement is true. Given it is not true , renders the system invalid and makes our conclusions wrong. Right ?
Wrong. This is the same reason that I claim our basis of judgement is wrong. If we are able to accept the fact you will land yourself in a soup. How ? Let me illustrate logically.
Your system is based on A which is Faulty
You refute a fact which is also based on A.
Outcome : Major Contradiction
ALternative b :
You accept the fact based on A.
This makes your system self-consistent but does it make it valid ? NO. From an overall view we find that it is not only important to have a self-consistent system of beliefs but also to have a syetm of beliefs which is consistent with the overall cogent processes. This can be compared very simply with pictures of a closed loop in the box of bounded rationality. An undesirable outcome of the logical process.
So where is penance ? To base our views on the strong logical premsises instead of being driven by subjective parameters. Our experience can act as a check post to reduce cognitive dissonance but not as a driver of cognition. Cognition is to be driven by systems of rationality based on arguments , objective assesment of experience hence becomes important. One needs to reaxmine experience to adjudge the validities of the generalities and specifics and then we can use them to funnel or "Big-Bang" it as we need to, thus we can reconcile our experience with the systems of logic, leading us to be
Homo Rationalus

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Going to Golgotha

As I lay in my room and hear the strains of my favourite songs, I jerk into consciousness . T'is is an totally invoulnatary reaction. Very justified when hit by a stimuli , which can start production of certain compounds in my neural network. But, do tell me isn't it a wonder , that certain invisible particles can send a 1 _ _ Pound body ( not telling you my wieght am I !!! ) into motion.
I always used to think
"What happens when an irresistable force meets an immovable object"
Well...I still do think that because neither am I immovable or nor any force in my life irresistable ! But back to my story, As I lay immobile in my bed I was forced to make use of my locomotary organs and open the closed barrier which secluded my enclosure from rest of the habitat ( my room door ).
The offending stimulus was a loud rap on my door by a pair of offending knuckles. I opened the door and got face to face with an entity appearing in an inconsequential election for a post in my place of residence. He was making a very conscious effort of speaking in the Queen's language and telling me why I should cast my vote in favour of him.
POLITICS, n. A strife of interests masquerading as a contest of
principles. The conduct of public affairs for private advantage.
Oh my heart ! my achy breaky heart ! How much will you torment me !!! When will you learn to accept the tiny inconsequential things that people consider important to them ... as significant to your well-being also ??? I don't know . But then I will stay so uncomitted to this mistress and not give into her pleasures. I will not fall prey to her charms. I will not become part of politics.
I have seen to much of her... naked in all her glory and in all her shame... The temptress with the lure of the ultimate pleasure with the public humiliation that is a parcel of her deal.
We are all small people and shouldn't be part of the grand scale of things. Nature never intended us to be more than mere pebbles in the bedrock of time and civilization. But then some of us want to be the boulders over which the stream cascades over and creates a ripple over the surface. It breaks the surface , sometimes as itself, sometimes as the ripples which play over the flow and far far away. And we all laugh like soft gentle children.
Why are we born ? Why are we part of the earth ? What are we here for ? Why did the chicken cross the road ?
The mundaneness to our existence is perhaps the answer the the ultimate question. We are born because we are. We are there because we are supposed to be . We are all complex equations in a simple matrix that encompasses all we can think of and beyond.
Limited by the same thing that supposedly makes us infinite - our imagination we are all slave to the various influences that nature has devised for us to miss the greater picture . The underlying simplicity of complexity. Even behind the greatest of the creations lies some simple quarks , whose quirks make it all go as it goes.
With songs sung blue for me and you , I wonder why we even try bother. If we all are pawns in the multidimensional chess board that is the universe what is the reason for us to be there ?
"If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is, infinite."

We need to see beyond our own so called limitless ness and realize our vunerability and tiny magnitude. Western societies have undergone a 'precession of simulacra' (the simulacrum being that 'truth which hides the fact there is none'. Thus we find that through the hierarchy of motions the copy has come to replace the original and we are all praying to small gods !!!
So is there no escape , was Gautama wrong when he said that 'Dharamchakra Parbartana " can be stopped ? NO, he was not what he meant was escape form the board by check mating the queen while the white rabbit looks on and the castle smiles.
There have ben some who have check-mated on one board to go merely to another where we have lost their track and accept them to have escaped only to forget that they are stuck on another board in another board in another level beyond which lies another board beyond which lies another board beyond ....
So do we all lay down like lemmings and decide to die . Is there no way out ?
GOLGOTHA by Edward Munch

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Hate to Love , Love to Hate

A National Geographic survey on events found that there is only one thing in this world which can be predicted with 100% predictibilty. One thing that can beet any book-keeper's odds at 1 in 1. Surer than the sun rising, the tides, the seasons. Reliabler than the best machines in the world, yet a creation as old as time. As old as the first sensation, the first emotion, the first living thing.

Death !

"Your thoughts reach higher than the air;You dream of wide fields' cultivation.The homes you plan surpass the homesThat men have known, but you do err,Guiding your life afar.But one there is who'll catch the swift,Who goes a way obscured in gloom,And sudden, unseen, overtakesAnd robs us of our distant hopes—Death, mortals' source of many woes."[The actor Neoptólemos. Diodorus Siculus, Library of History 16.92.3]

But ...But..Is there a way out ???

Immortality can be achieved in three ways says coventional research :

1) Physical Immortality : You can torture your body with the latest of gadgets , techniques and then hope that you won't kick the bucket when the grim reaper comes.

***** Special Offer ****

How to beat death ...

1. challenge Grim Reaper to silly games ( worked in the movie Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey ). the sillier you think of, the more is your chance of winning

2. Pretend to be someone else ( pretending to be someone alive works best )

3. Get a really wicked painter to paint a picture of you which does all wierd stuff including coming in movies

4. Divide yourself into tiny bits and put in horcruxes or whatever they are called in Harry Potter. a very good suggestion is to contact your local psychopath and arrange a meeting. Telling him exactlty where in his home , which body part you want will help him give you unexpected service

5. My own original idea, which i will try out when time comes and let you know only if it succeds. ( nobody is dragging my dead body to court for some silly comment I made )

O.K. back to the serious stuff.

2) Spiritual Immortaility : If you follow the concept of reincarnation / karma / whatever you will accept that the soul is wthout end and beginning and is there always. Hence the immortality it will bring along its self. Heavena nd Hell are also two constructs of this

3) Legacy : Andy Warhol had once said that everyone will have their 15 minutes of fame. Stretch it a bit farther, hammer it even thinkly. Extend it in elastic zone, reach the yield point and extend it beyond plastic deformation till you just reach ultimate strain and you may have immortailty by deeds. This is not a forum for morality and hence I will not be debating on issues of those dimensions here but I will say Hitler will be more remembered than Edison. Judas than Moses.

"The evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones."

Let this be an understanding of our immortailty and the way to achieve it.

But does it all make sense ? Is it worth it ? In Douglas Adams one finds Woebagger, an immortal so disillusioned with having done all that he decides on a quest to personally abuse all living beings in the universe. There is also the story of the flyimg Dutchman doomed to travel the seas for eternity and beyond. There is also the story of Bhisma in Mahabharata who decided to die when he felt that his needs and duties had been fulfilled.

If immortality is the price and not the benefit accrued why do we still pine for it ?

If we are happy to live our meagre life in full proportions and then be willing for the adventure beyond will we ever pine for immortality. Will Gilgamesh still dive deep ?

The answers to these question we do not know but it is possible to know why we fear death.

1. The overwhelming sense of dissapointment that comes when we realize that what we could have done but left unfinished in our lives.

2. The uncertainity of what lies beyond the tangible vision and understanding of the human senses. What is beyond life ?

3. The horrible feeling of the judgement of your life and actions and someone actually knowing what you did with your neighbour's cat when you were 7 years old

4. The horror of suddenly finding out that there is heaven which is not as pearly , peachy as it looks and a hell which is worse than our worse nightmares.
5. To look up on the face of death itself.
Numerous accounts have been written of how one waits the time to see the face of death. How one's life flashes before one's eyes. How detah should be taken as the next step, the greatest adventure. How death is the gretaest equalizer , propagating communism and capitalism in its throes. How the face of death is the chill one gets when one realizes the choices have been made.
Oh ! How does one not take it as the next step !
Oh ! how does one fear to stare into the face of death !
But ...but..
what if death was what we expected her to be ?
[picture courtsey : Neil Gaiman , Sandman Comics ]

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Rencontres - Love at first sight

So I did that which I thought was most dignified. I pushed back the crowds, and, passing from the rear, walked down a living avenue of people until I came in front of the semicircle of Arabs, in the front of which stood the white man with the grey beard. As I advanced slowly towards him, I noticed he was pale, looked wearied, had a grey beard, wore a bluish cap with a faded gold band round it, had on a red-sleeved waistcoat and a pair of grey tweed trousers. I would have run to him, only I was a coward in the presence of such a mob---would have embraced him, only he being an Englishman, I did not know how he would receive me; so I did what cowardice and false pride suggested was the best thing---walked deliberately to him, took off my hat, and said:---
"Dr. Livingstone, I presume?"

What happens when you wait for 2 years in the deepest darkest jungle of Africa looking for a lost soul and come up with this ? Pathetic I presume . But they are still inscribed in words of gold in the annals of world history.

How lame I think Stanley must have felt when he must have actually realized what he had said. But meetings are supposed to be liked that. They are supposed be the glances that throw you off balance. Give you the kick in your life , which your coffee cup cannot. Raise you from the slumber and suddenly jerk you out of your reverie.

But true meetings are like that ... Those of the heart that is. Love at first sight is a myth which truly has to be explored in depth before we can actually proceed further on our much anticipated discussion on this topic.

Love at first sight is supposed to be a myth perpetrated
  • by those hopeless who suddenly realize that an alternate sex exists other than them
  • As a pickup lines for those who have no ability to pick-up
  • By horny individuals waiting to get into others' pants asap.

I as an individual feel that it is just a silly concept dreamt up by those driven by the basal feelings to give a respectability to the concept they feel creeping up their brains universally known as lust.

It is a fact universally accepted that a person in need of some procreation rather than rectreation will be using this following argument. Though other studies like one done in Ohio State University on 164 students prove that people decide what kind of relationship they want in the first few minutes, I truly doubt the veracity of the claims. We may be using our percpetory organs to form our first sensations but how much do they fit in with our models of rationality and behavior.

Maybe if you are someone unlike me you may live your life based on the first 30 seconds of that fateful day. Such things are difficult to believe but they do happen... Logic died yesterday.

What does that mean ? After all this rambling can I come to a conclusion of what I want to say ? My answer to it is DOES IT REALLY MATTER ? We can come up with all the studies in the world to prove or disrove any theory.

God Exists... is a logic I frequently use to fight my own logic and turn everything upside down.

See existence of God is a matter of Faith, Hence if you sought proof of god's existence you couldn't have found it as 'faith excludes proof'. However if you found proof God does exist you will not be able to find him as again our axiom holds.

But how is it possible you shout ! Isn't Logic the greatest gift to man by the greeks. You still think it is wine , but you keep quiet in the multitude of voices and show them godel's theorem

For any consistenet formal theory that proves basic arithmetical truths, it is possible to construct an arithmetical statement that is true but not provable in the theory. That is, any consistent theory of a certain expressive strength is incomplete.

For any formal theory T including basic arithmetical truths and also certain truths about formal provability, T includes a statement of its own consistency if and only if T is inconsistent

These are two of godel's theorem known as incompleteness theorem. Though not as celebrated as much as Fermat's theorems I feel that they form very important parts of our undersatnding of life, universe and everything. The implication is that there is no consistent formal system which proves for every question A either "the answer to A is yes" or "the answer to A is no". Hence A may have any answer we want - because we can show that

Any system which is consistent within itself is actually inherently inconsistent.

So looking finally in what we started I figure we have not gone anywhere far except having a meaningless insightful discusssion on anything which caught my fancy. So I finally resolve to make things more meaningful next time and take a more structured approach and try and get some more newer readers. till then

Au Revior .... a bientot ( damn the accnet marks, can't get it anywhere )

[godel's theorem is all very disturbing when you finally think that what I have written is all rubbish and you are damn sure you are right based on your learnings, axioms and systems and Godel just points out that your system is inconsitent and I am brilliant in my writing...the reverse holds but if you think that the first time I will be so delighted I won't argue with you]

Friday, July 28, 2006

The greeks awaken

[the following is a story I wrote in one of my phases ... It is a re-working of a greek tragedy of Orpheus and Eurydice]

As the lights came on in the darkened conference room Orpheus knew he had done it. The long nights at the office, the endless conferences , the untiring effort had finally paid off. The king and Queen seemed pleased. The Shades Perfume Company was going to be a household name. Not that it wasn’t but he had ensured that it would stay that way for the next 10 years.

Obsession was going to be the one. A sweet floral fragrance which had got rave reviews from all the testers, one which had driven him mad like the elite few he had tested it on.

After ‘Passion’ which had ruled his and his company’s life for so long ‘Obsession’ was the brand which would drive him forward.

The Shades Perfume Company had been formed by Lucifer Harbinger during the 1950s. From that time onwards the King as he was called had worked unflinching in the laboratories, where new fragrances were developed. He had been instrumental in making his fragrances wanted by all, film stars , heads of state. Not that they had any choice. The Haven Company which was the major competitor had some really amazing fragrances but then it did not suit every one. There were complains of skin infections and allergies. Haven had tried and tried, they had their own prophets but then they too failed to woo the users away.

Shades was on the other hand widely available and suited everyone. Though they knew that most of them would rather not use it, they dared not for fear of social ostracism. Hence this sect of un-perfumed ones was growing, people seeking salvation from the fight between Lucifer of Shades and Jehovah of Haven to control this market. But everyone knew they were treading a fine line because falling prey to the temptation of Shades was so easy. It was there everywhere! All shops , mall, supermarkets. Anything you bought would give you a free Shades Perfume. It was impossible to get away from it. Lucifer seemed to have won the war.

But then came the heart attack. The King was bed-ridden for some time. It had stuck him on Christmas day and left him hapless as he saw his empire start to crumble. The new marketing manager recruited from Bethlehem had been able to nearly destroy the Shades. Lucifer had fought hard, he had made him offers , which had been refused. Weak from his heart attack Lucifer had nearly given up when luck came at his side. While traveling on the company jet, the pilot had a stroke crashing the plane into field of thistles. All the passengers were crucified. It was this freak accident which gave Shades a second chance.

Lucifer’s daughter had taken over the reins. With her father by her side for advice she managed to steady the ship and gain foothold once again. As he recovered he seemed to become even more and more powerful finally regaining his position as the King, ruling besides his Queen over Shades.

Orpheus had been with shades for a long time. Son of a small farmer in Oklahoma, he had worked hard to prove himself. He had played with a band at night to pay for his college fees. While in college he had spent his time in the library and the small recording studio his friend ran as a session musician. He used to sing background vocals on records and accompany bands whose vocalists had not turned up or were too drunk or doped to sing properly. He used to be paid 10$ an hour, virtually peanuts but for him it was an fortune, enough for his 75$ a week boarding and food. He dreamed of the big stage where he would one day profess his skills. But that was not to be, he was too poor to risk it. He hoped for some decent hard-working job after college which would help him sustain himself. He dreamed of his father and how he worked nights with the sandy soil to create food for many. He dreamed of love.

And she walked in then. She looked like a goddess, long dark hair, the perfect business suit. The Queen they called her. He called her Eurydice. She had come down to record a jingle for the Shades Advertisement when they had met. And it was love at first sound. As he sang with passion like he always did, she fell in love with him.

They hung about all over town . They visited the piers the small restaurants. She took him to palaces where it took 5 waiters to serve a glass of water. He took her to his apartment.

She persuaded her father to give him a job as a salesman in the company. As he went door to door selling his wares, she sat in her thousand dollar suits and dreamed of him. They dreamed of themselves, their children and their futures and they made love passionately.

But Fate intervened. He was the manager for Orpheus and could not stand this closeness of Eurydice and him. All it took him was a couple of phone calls and Orpheus was accused of trying to cheat the company and lie to his supervisors. He was called up infront of the livid King. Lucifer was furious about his daughter going out with some country hick and this was his chance. He had his revenge.

Eurydice’s pleading made sure he kept his job but was transferred to the farthest corner of the empire, while she was suddenly given newer charges. Her father made sure that they couldn’t meet Orpheus was kept so busy with his job he couldn’t find time to contact Eurydice. The Kings agents had worked overtime to ensure that Orpheus had become tainted and no other firm was willing to recruit him. Eurydice was kept so occupied that pleadings to her father had no effect, she was locked up in work and met potential husbands selected by her father for dinner. She was unhappy and miserable but time passed and things grew no better. She started having flings and affairs and became involved in a couple of unhappy marriages. Orpheus became a bad memory.

Orpheus meanwhile was working hard and making a family. He had a wife and three kids , he was becoming a big-shot in the company. His passion , his hatred all channeled towards his work and he led the creation of the “obsession” perfume. His dream had been fulfilled. HE was invited to present it before the king and Queen. He would meet Eurydice again.

He had spent days in his preparation. He had gone out and got a $150 hair-cut and a $500 suit. His wife had not suspected anything.

Nor should she, said he. I have no feelings for her he told himself. She could have done some much for me but didn’t. She was so beautiful and powerful and could have had me transferred but didn’t.

She could have flown down and they would have met during weekends and gone around making love and doing the beautiful things they did.

Oh ! How badly he wanted her to be part of his life.

I’ll give a presentation that will shake the foundation of Shades and move Lucifer he told himself during his flight. I will make sure I win her back. I will. She will succumb to me so will her father.


She knew he had done it when Lucifer said “Nice Work ,Son.” And embraced him.

Eurydice knew she was still madly in love with him the moment she saw him walk in. His voice had struck the chords at the bottom of her heart and Lucifer had seen it.

As her father grew older she saw him yielding and she knew that she could get whatever she wanted from him now.

She weighed the gun in her hand (it felt cold and heavy) as she thought so.

She recalled that day when Orpheus had given the presentation. Her father had embraced him and looked at her. Then he had said
“ Son, Tell your wife she is now married to the youngest General Manager in the history of Shades. Now I must leave , but meet with my Daughter and go through the presentation once again, there are things that needed to be sorted out so old mistakes are not repeated.”

She knew that he knew he had got her but her father had told her in not so many words not to do the same ‘mistake’ again. And sure as ever they did it. On the boardroom table itself. They made love like they were supposed to , they were meant to . They gave no care to their lives and future and had done it like they used to when they were together and care-free.

And then they walked in, the entire senior management.

Her father must have planned it, that bastard. Ever since Daniel was there she was being sidelined and this was the ultimate blow. That bastard knew that we couldn’t be able to keep our hands off and so he invited the senior team to the boardroom to meet us after giving us enough time to screw ourselves, and so we did.

The next few days were like a nightmare. She was forced to resign, so was he. Obsession was taken from him as was all his other ideas. He had left the Head office disgraced but had left her a plane ticket to Greece.

There was also a note.
“ I shouldn’t have looked back at you. We could have been so happy if I had some patience.”

She weighed the gun and the ticket in her hands. She could hear Daniel’s voice on the Television.

“ I am delighted to take over as the CEO of the Shades perfume Company and will try to be a worthy successor to Ms. Eurydice who had to quit her post due to personal reasons.”

The sly smile on the face of her father said it all

She brought it to her head and pressed the trigger.

In another part of the World as Orpheus was driving his car to the airport to meet Eurydice’s flight, he hoped; he couldn’t wait. He gave her a call.

“Hello ! Who is this ?”
“This is Orpheus , may I speak to Eurydice please ?”
“This is Lucifer Harbinger, my daughter shot herself last night. Her suicide note mentioned you so the police will be giving you a call. Son, don’t worry , I am handling it , there shouldn’t be any problem.”
“Orpheus , you there . Don’t worry son. As I told you don’t look back and all will be fine with your life.”
Sound of an explosion.
Phone hangs up

The mobile phone you are trying to reach is currently unavailable please try again later.

The inception of conception

I think the first thing that people will ask once I have published by blog will basically be the question of how I of all people, who swear about how blogging is killing the web started one. Well lemme tell you...

Its a rather long story. It all started one day...

OK no more bullshitting. There's no story, I always felt that blogs were the best way of making oneself heard and giving vent to creative juices but was too busy or too not up to it.

Conventional wisdom says the first one has to be memorable, How is the biggest question ? But why memorable is what we should be asking. What is the persistence of memory ? Do you remember the taste of your mom's home-cooked food ? Can you smell the sea in the middle of the desert ? Can you touch the sunlight in a rainy day ?

Memory is a fickle mistress, she will pleasure you ... She will pain you. Woo her well and you can have feelings you never knew existed, emotions you never knew was possible. But force her and she will leave you with nightmares, pain, tears... We all claim to have good memories. We can remember our childhood moments , our experiences. OR CAN WE ?

An experience, an emotion is never a stand-alone fate. It exists only because others exist. Leave one part out and you can never re-live the moment. Memory is never persistent, emotions are... Remember one and you can appreciate it fully. No need to rake your memory for the associated accessories that come with it. Remember the emotion and memories will come tumbling in, Circumstances, Instances, events, people , happenings. Remember your first crush and you will recall when was the first time you lay eyes on him/her, the first stolen glance, the first meetings. No let me cut short here , Love is something I should not be discussing right now . Maybe later when I feel upto it.

I was talking about persistence to get back into mould of things. We as humans have this inane innate tendency to try establish ourselves on this world. I am perhaps the greatest exponent of it- Bold, Brash, Outspoken, MAD in every sense of the word. Only so people can remember me. But believe me , behind this troubled interior lies a troubled boy waiting to get out. A quiet guy who likes long walks, talking and sitting. No flashes of brilliance , no arrogance , no intellectualism, just plain old john doe. I would so like to live like that. Have a house in the middle of nowhere, with a dog and my other half (if there can be any such ) , go out on hunting trips and read books under the shades of tall trees. Learn fishing and guitar so that I can lull myself to sleep. Life would have been so much fun. But here by a quirk of fate I am stuck in a dingy mental room without a view. A misfit in the grand scheme of things. Trying to shout out to a thick wall. Pounding on doors that are not open.

How I hate my life !!!

Life is such a practical joke played by us by a fickle creature known as fate. How it makes us reach the top of the world only to show us that there is no top of the world. Think !!! I will never like to elaborate on what I write but I do want you to think about it. Let it be bubble gum for your brains.... Chew Chew Chew and POP GOES THE WEASEL

P.S About the title : "No I am not challenged in my writing skills... By the dictionary meaning conception is also the creation of something in the mind..." I am also enclosing a story I had written in one of my phases . Do tell me how much you hate it !!!