Monday, October 09, 2006

The art of Peace

Sun Tzu had once written this famous book often quoted and more often than not misquoted. Hence it now seems very trendy to quote it to show how much have you read and such pretentious bullshit. It has reached into mass status thanks to the biggest cult maker of all time. 007.

If you remember the last bond movie...about what is not enough ...commercilaism in it, according to me, but the World according to the producers. But then what... what was once class is now mASS.

So what are the teachings we get from this commercialism of what was once the preserve of the few ?

One, French Revolution was the start of what was seen as the rebirth of humanity , but I am strongly of the opinion that it was the first nail in the coffin of humanity. The philospohers preached the reawakening of the soul. The transcription to the leadership was the reaweking of the masses. This percolated to the masses as the call to wake up and break down whatever was in thier sight.

All through history, the state has been bets managed by keeping it in the hands of capable men who are powerful enough to diminsh mediocrity. Absloute power corrupts absolute showing them the absolute ineptitude of the rest to manage.

Dictators were never the ones to be admired.... why ??? Human folly is the cause... just beacause you are inadquate does not imply the fact that othjers cant be fit....

Let us look back at Sun Tzu ...he difines moral law as the obligation to follow leadership...that is the golden truth... If you can't be a leader don't criticize , don't use your weight or the mass to rule...

Democracy or demonocracy as it is called is the worst enemy of mankind.. the rule of state is best left to those who can do it... Plato perhaps was the only one to my mind who suggested a systematic way of selection and organization. But what he quoted in classical Greece is as unapplicable then as it is today... with the systemization of the process again you revert to the mass kind of approach...losing the argument in its own strength and paradoxisms.

So what is the solution... something which has been wel documented in history ,
biology...survival of the fittest.."MATSANYA"- Fish eat Fish and be eaten by bigger fish. Finally the Sharks rule and minnows stay as they are , as they are supposed to be hunted and food for the rulers... strength is an outcome of natural causes not the reason of them...capabilities should rule... and the mass should stay where it is ... in the grass.

This is the soultion to world peace also... you have the strong rule and the weak will not be able to stand up... you control with an iron fist and even the strongest weeapons in the world can never destroy the calmity...because you control them...calamity is yours...war and peace is yours and mine..war is mine...peace is yours.